PokalWölfe Telegramm
Wölfe Telegramm #11 (Red Hocks Kaufering vs. TV Lilienthal)
Das Endergebnis
… The fina result 7-5 needed really much stepping up in the third period. We needed to put on our worktrouses.
Der Spielverlauf
… After two periods of passiv walking we started to give hard pressure in the third period. In the first two periods we were still travelling to Kaufering. In the third period we started to grind opponents. Finally, we made it possible for us to take points back to Lilienthal.
Die Szene des Spiels
… Olli’s winning goal to 5-6.
Die nächste Woche
… Next week we start to focus double game weekend against Berlin and Wernigerode. There’s lot of hard work ahead of us. Last Saturday’s performance will not be enough for opponents next week.
Interview mit Antti Mähönen.